Previous Roles
- Acting Head of Psychology, Department of Psychology, B.C. Children’s Hospital and Women’s Health Centre
- Director of Training, Department of Psychology, B.C. Children’s Hospital and Women’s Health Centre
- Sessional Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia
- Instructor, Department of Psychology, Langara College
Academic Appointments
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia
- Clinical Associate, Department of Psychology, Clinical Psychology Centre, Simon Fraser University
Committee Work
- Canadian Council Of Professional Psychology Programs (2006-2012, Past President)
- Canadian Psychological Association, Accreditation Panel (2010-present, Chair)
- College of Psychologists of British Columbia, Quality Assurance Committee (2012-present)
- PHSA Mental Health Promotion Project – Steering Committee (2010-2012)
Past and Present Areas of Research
- Caregiver Experiences In the Surgical Waiting Room
- Evaluating Stress on Families Whose Surgeries Have Been Cancelled – A Quality of Care Inititiave
- Effectiveness of Group Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment for Children with Anxiety Disorders
- Evaluation of a Brief Training Model for Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders
- Vancouver Primary Prevention Program: Controlled Trial Prevention Groups in Schools
- Investigation of Language Problems in Children with Selective Mutism
- Clark, S.L. & Garland, E. J. (2018). Integrating Play and Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions to Treat Childhood Worries and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In Play-Based Interventions for Childhood Anxieties, Fears, and Phobias. Edited by A. Drewes & C.E. Schaefer , Guilford Press.
- Clark, S.L. (2002). Taming Worry Dragons: Practical Applications for Individual or Group Therapy, DVD or VHS. BC Children’s Hospital.
- Clark, S.L. (2000). Tools for Taming and Trapping Worry Dragons: Children’s Workbook. BC Children’s Hospital.
- Clark, S.L. (2000). Facilitator’s Manual: Coping Skills for Children with Anxieties – Taming Worry Dragons. BC Children’s Hospital.
- Clark, S.L. & Garland, E.J. (2004). The Kid’s Guide to Taming Worry Dragons, BC Children’s Hospital.
- Clark, S.L. & Garland, E.J., & Short, C. (2004). Taming Worry Dragons: Classroom Manual, A Psychoeducational Group Program for Prevention of Anxiety, BC Children’s Hospital.
- Garland, E.J., & Clark, S.L. (2002). Worry Taming for Teens. BC Children’s Hospital.
- Garland, E.J., & Clark, S.L. (1996, Revised 2000). Taming Worry Dragons: A Manual for Children, Parents, and other Coaches. BC Children’s Hospital.
- Howe, M.L., Brainerd, C.J., & Clark, S.L. (1992). Forgotten but not gone: Evaluating the ups and downs of “normal forgetting”. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Psychology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
- Howe, M.L., Kelland, A., Bryant-Brown, L., & Clark, S.L. (1992). Measuring the development of children’s amnesia and hypermnesia. In M.L. Howe, C.J. Brainerd, & V.F. Reyna (Eds.), Development of long-term retention. New York: Springer-Verlag.
- Miller, L., Short, C., Garland, J., & Clark, S.L. (2010). The ABC’s of CBT: Evidence-Based Approaches to Child Anxiety in Public School Settings. Journal of Counselling & Development, 88(4), 2010.
Dr. Clark has presented extensively at local and national conferences, for School Board Professional Development Days, for Parent Advisory Councils, among others. Here is a sampling of the topics she presents on:
- Anxiety Disorders: Identification and Treatment Issues
- Anxiety in Children and Youth in the School Context
- Anxiety in Children: Understanding and Using Taming Worry Dragons
- Anxiety in Children: What to Do! (for Parents)
- Issues in Clinical Supervision
- Issues in Diversity
- Joint CPA/CCPPP Internship Fair/Presentation on Preparing for Your Predoctoral Internship
- Professional Issues: Special Issues When Working with Children and Families
- Selective Mutism: An Overview including Assessment and Treatment Issues